Saturday, January 21, 2012

Apple sandwiches

I was looking for a quick snack to feed the 7 kids that were at my house yesterday. The ages were 2 up to 14. I decided to try out apple sandwiches. First I cored and sliced about 5 apples.
Then I put peanut butter on all of the slices. On half of the peanut buttered slices I put chocolate chips or cinnamon chips. ( I ran out of chocolate chips about 1/2 way through by we had cinnamon chips as well) I needed to put a bit of lemon juice on top to keep them from turning brown but the were devoured in about 5 minutes do it didn't even matter! They were a hit. I ended up making 3 batches to satisfy everyone.
There are so many possibilities for these as well... Add some granola or even Cheerios. Enjoy!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Origami Hearts

These are some easy to follow instructions, with pictures on how to make origami hearts. They are super cute! (and easy!!)

1.     Find or make a square piece of paper (Theoptions are endless!)
2.     Fold it in half. Crease it.
3.     Fold it in half again. Crease again.
4.     Open it up.

5.     Fold the bottom part to the crease line in themiddle.
6.     Turn the whole thing over. Fold up the triangleedges.
7.     Turn it over again. Bring the bottom point to the top.
8.     Turn over…

9.  Use your finger to make an opening.
10.  Flatten the paper to make a triangle.
11.  Do the same on the other side.
12.  Bring the bottom right corner up to make atriangle.

13.  Do the same on the left side.
14.  Fold up both of the bottoms to make smalltriangles.
15.  Turn over.
16.  Fold under at the crease on the left side.

17.  Do the same on the right.
18.  Turn over.
19.  Fold the bottom right corner up into a triangle(to finish heart shape)
20.  Repeat

Done! These are too adorable notto make! These can be used for so many things. They are great as page markersin a book or magazine. Put four of them together to make a flower. Make themout of green paper to make a four leaf clover… so many things to do!

Apple Pancakes

I’m obsessed with pinterest… I found this recipe on pinterest and I love it!! My boys loved it as well.

Apple Slices
Pancake Batter
I made pancake batter like normal, using Bisquick… you could use the instant stuff that you just add water to as well. I added cinnamon to it (we LOVE cinnamon). I then cored around 4 apples. At Walmart today I bought an apple corer, it’s in the first picture at the top. It is so awesome! Very to easy to use and it only cost 3.99. I just know I will use the heck out of it!

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Anyways, I lightly dipped the apples into the batter, enough to barely coat them. If you get too much batter on them the circle in the middle will fill in and then they won’t look like rings (which are so cute!). You cook them just like pancakes… when they start to bubble on top it is time to flip them over. That’s it!
The outside tastes like normal pancakes and the apples inside turn into well applesauce! They are awesome! Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Our Week Picture Frame

Robyn and I made this a couple of weeks ago and I love it! I got this frame a while back at Walmart for 10 dollars and it has been sitting in a drawer ever since. I pulled it out the other day and made it into a weekly calendar.
It was originally a brownish color. Robyn painted it black for me. I cut out squares that fit into the frames from scrapbook paper then used stickers for the days of the week. I put it all together and this is what it turned out like! Super cute! I use an dry erase marker and write on the glass whatever is going on that day. It’s a quick overlook of the week. Super useful!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas, New Years & Work

These past couple of months have just flown by! I have been horrible about updating. This past weekend was New Years Eve and New Years day and my first weekend at work. I worked from 7 am to 7 pm. I thought time would go slow, I would be bored or I would just plain hate it. Time flew, I was busy and got tons of stuff done. We were so busy on Saturday. We had two add on emergent surgeries and 6 schedule surgeries. The last surgery that we did was a double amputation on a very sick man. He ended up coding 3 different times. It was really scary. I ran my ass off getting everything that was needed. I am so lucky to have my sister to call during emergencies (or non-emergencies) to help me out. Next weekend I will work the same schedule and then I think the weekend after that I will switch over to 7 pm to 7 am, the shift I was hired for.
The weekend before last was Christmas. We had a great Christmas. It was kind of sad to think that it will be that last Christmas that we have at my parents house. My dad is going to put the house up for sale in the spring. I am assuming he and Debbie will move in together. I am so happy for him. I am glad he found someone to love. But on a selfish note… him no longer living in that house will be so hard. I wish I could afford to buy it. I’m just not in the spot to do it right now. I really hope Katie and Jake decide to do it. That house will always be what I consider home. My mom and dads house. Life goes on and there’s nothing that can be done.
Well it is a new year now. 2012. I have made no official resolutions. There are a couple of things I want to do though. I want to do “365 days in pictures” and “52 weeks to an organized house” both of those are two very manageable things that can be accomplished. The other thing I have been thinking about is this 20 day starter workout. Aiden is 2 and need to get this weight off! I can’t blame it on him anymore :) It all starts today (or 2 days ago…)