Friday, January 20, 2012

Apple Pancakes

I’m obsessed with pinterest… I found this recipe on pinterest and I love it!! My boys loved it as well.

Apple Slices
Pancake Batter
I made pancake batter like normal, using Bisquick… you could use the instant stuff that you just add water to as well. I added cinnamon to it (we LOVE cinnamon). I then cored around 4 apples. At Walmart today I bought an apple corer, it’s in the first picture at the top. It is so awesome! Very to easy to use and it only cost 3.99. I just know I will use the heck out of it!

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Anyways, I lightly dipped the apples into the batter, enough to barely coat them. If you get too much batter on them the circle in the middle will fill in and then they won’t look like rings (which are so cute!). You cook them just like pancakes… when they start to bubble on top it is time to flip them over. That’s it!
The outside tastes like normal pancakes and the apples inside turn into well applesauce! They are awesome! Enjoy!

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